The cost of the course is $225 and we accept PayPal or Credit/Debit. You must bring your photo identification (DMV issued identification card, school-issued identification card, valid passport or military identification) to our testing location.
To receive credit for the course and to receive your Certificate of Completion, you must take the final exam in-person at one of our locations. In order to benefit from the course, you must be able to work independently and be comfortable with using a computer. All individuals who elect to take the classroom component of the driver’s education course online must take the online course through a DMV licensed driver training school. You must be at least 15 years old to take the online driver education course. The course consists of at least 30 hours of instruction and includes information about alcohol and drug abuse, aggressive driving, distracted driving, motorcycle awareness, organ and tissue donor awareness, pedestrian and bicycle safety, handicapped parking, fuel efficient driving practices, and traffic stops as required by Virginia law. Please call 70 and we will send Drivers Education Link in your Email. Online 30-Hours Drivers Education Course(Drivers Ed): $225ĩ0-Minute Parent/Student Driver Education Component :$75